Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I am the land
-the land of ten thousand years
-the land between the rivers

I become a part of you
-and you of me
-you eat me
-you drink me in

I will cling to some of you
-eat them
-drink them in
-exhale them clean again
Across my rivers

I am theirs as they are mine
I am after they are gone
I am the land

1 comment:

mariestaad said...

This is your strongest poem. It is plain and to the point. It has no affect. It's funny, your poem before you deployed is not as strong as the poetry after deployment. I know you are a fan of Wilfred Owen, and the same thing happened to him. He wrote OK poetry (but sort of sentimental and sappy) before he went to war, but as you well know, he wrote masterpieces during the war. I think war strips away the veneer of complacency; the urgency to write, and capture what you see is as heightened as your senses are on patrol. Keep reading and writing. I would recommend Richard Jackson (who was in Bosnia) and Thomas Lux, as well as Jim Daniels. Keep up the great work!